Thursday, December 18, 2008


There are some things that are best kept to yourself – like your social security number or admitting that you enjoy Joey Lawerence’s catchphrase “Woah”. Being in Panama I had a chance to keep something I did away from the folks back in the States. However, one day when I was talking to my sister, I decided to come clean – I had bought a pair of Crocs.

You see, this is a big deal, because in the past, both my sister and I had ridiculed our cousin after he bought a pair and then had the audacity to wear them out in public. So, naturally, when I broke the news to my sister, she went nuts on me. Pretty soon I was trying to defend myself in much the same fashion that my dad did when he was contemplating buying a Subaru Baja. At that time, he used words like “practically” and “versatile” to try to sell me on the car. I wasn’t buying it and I fired back that the car drove stiff, had bad sightlines and, most importantly, hideous looking. He held strong and went ahead with the purchase, so I knew if my dad could defend his auspicious decision, if I held my ground, I could do the same.

I started off telling her that it can be quite muddy here and I’m going to be living near water, so the Crocs are very “versatile” and “practical” (those buzzwords again!). Eventually, she reluctantly came around to my point of view. Of course, that doesn’t mean I actually like the things, but I have to say thus far they have been pretty useful here.

And that’s where they will stay – here. Unlike my dad and his Baja, my purchase of the Crocs was not a long term one. When I’m cleaning out my stuff after my two years are up, they will be the first things discarded. That’s why I’ve started a countdown of how many days I have left in Panama. Not because I’m anxious to return home, instead I want to know how soon I can rid myself of these monstrosities.

Only 671 days left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the first person in Romain side to buy Crocs. Congratualtions. Did you get the Christmas card I sent you? I didn't put enough postage on it.Your mother didn't tell me until after I sent the card. Hope you are doing well? I feel bad that you have to wear summer clothes. Missed you at Thanksgiving, Take care Love you G