Monday, March 30, 2009

The Opposite

If you had to press me to answer the question “what is my favorite Seinfeld episode,” first I would ramble on about for about 15 minutes about nothing then realize that this question is the equivalent to “who’s your favorite child”. Since I don’t have any kids, I tackle these questions and eventually, I would reach some sort of decision. The answer on most days is “The Opposite”.

This particular episode is based around George’s decision to say and do the complete opposite of what he normally would do in that situation. It works wonders for him as he meets a lady friend, gets hired by the Yankees and rubs everything in Elaine’s face. It’s a great half hour of tv.

Over my time here, I have come to realize that a number of things have become the opposite of what my life was like in the States. Some examples are the following:

I would be pasty white during winter, now I have a nice tan.

I lived in a place with four seasons, now two (rainy and dry).

I used to have water anytime, now I have it from 9:30 at night till 5:30 in the morning.

My favorite shower used to be the morning one, now it is the late night one.

I used to be surrounded by hills and mountains, now my surroundings are completely flat.

I used to eat fast food a few times a week, now none.

I was rarely reading books, now I am reading them constantly.

I used to have a tv, now I don’t.

I used to lounge on a couch, now it’s a hammock.

My soon to be brother-in-law cut my hair, now I do it. (yikes!)

I used to think getting up before 8am was tough, now I am always up before 8am.

Oh yeah, I used to speak English, now it’s Spanish, well sort of.

So now with my life flipped upside down, I am on my way back to the States tomorrow for my sister’s wedding.

Does anybody if Arby’s still has the 5 for 5 deal?


Anonymous said...

I see you are resorting back to Seinfield, I knew it wouldn't last long. I'll see you tomorrow, my friend-JJ

Unknown said...

No 5 for 5 anymore but Arby's does have a fish sandwich and a "burger."