Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Mosquitoes

Over the past three months, the weather here has been spectacular. Each day is the same - 85 degrees, sunny to mostly sunny with a nice breeze to keep it cool. You can’t beat it. I'll let that sink in for a few seconds...

(no snow)

(no cold weather)

(no shoviling snow)

However, not all is perfect. With the warm weather comes another problem: bugs. Namely mosquitoes. Now you know the critters as the occasional bug that bothers you during a summer day in the forest. I know them as the bane of my exsitence, especially when the sun comes up and the sun comes down.

When I first got to site back in late October, the mosquitoes were pretty brutal. Often times around 6:30 in the evening I would have to go and hid under my mosquito net to avoid the attacks. Slowly as the wind picked up as summer came, the mosquitoes lessened. But that’s not to say they went away. In fact, over the past couple of weeks, the wind has slowly faded and as a result more and more are coming back.

So that sets up some interesting moments in the early evening, especially if I had played baseball earlier. Let’s just say the sweat on my legs is more inviting to the those pesky bugs. That’s when I usually reenact Will Ferrell’s “Get off my Shed” skit.

First, I politely ask the mosquito to be a good little boy and leave me alone. After a couple more times of bothering me, that’s when I usually snap at them and warm them “IF YOU DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE, I WILL COVER YOU WITH RAID AND YOU WILL CEASE TO EXISIT.”

Of course, they don’t listen and things don’t end so well for them. But they usually get a few shots in before all is said and done.

And, yes, I have plenty of bug spray that helps keep the varmints away, but I am not a big fan of putting the stuff on. It just feels gross. So instead I fight my battles with these lowlifes. Sure I lose some of them, but I always win the war.

Speaking of which, a couple have been bothering me while typing this. Time to go find the Raid...

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