Fast forward to present day, and I can clearly see the results of what he was talking about. Because things have really taken off. Everywhere. But probably no better example of this is at the baseball field.
You may recall back a few months ago, I posted about playing baseball in my community. The field where we played had been overrun by weeds and grass, and to fix the situation, the decision was made to just burn down the outfield. Here was the end result:
As you can see, there was nothing left. The situation remained that way pretty much through May, prior to the first rains. Now? Well, let’s just say the scene is a little different:
Hoo boy. As you might guess, not too much baseball is being played now. In fact, the outfield looks more like an Iowa corn field, then an actual baseball field. Every time I head over to the field, I keep expecting ‘Shoeless’ Joe Jackson to come walking out of the weeds and ask me to play long toss. Really, old Shoeless would fit right in with my community because of the whole no shoes thing, which is pretty much standard foot attire for most players, including yours truly, well when I’m batting. My sensitive feet can’t hold up on the outfield.
But, alas, Shoeless hasn’t shown up and neither will another baseball game for awhile. The weeds, however, will continue to grow.