Monday, October 20, 2008

Getting Started

Bienvenidos to my blog! As you know, I’m going to be living in Panama for the next two years working with the Peace Corps. As a way to keep everybody in the loop about my experiences, I, like many others, have started this blog.

Now what you will get with my postings is not a day to day description of what’s going on with my life and work. Instead, I’ll be focusing on a particular topic and tie in a variety of things, be it a story or experience from Panama, something back home in the States, or just life in general. The postings will vary in length. If I have something good, I could ramble on for a bit. Other times, it could be short and not sweet and you might utter under your breath, “boy that was a waste of time.” I’ll do my best to limit those postings, but that will fall back on my writing ability, so I can’t make any promises.

That said, the goal is to come up with a posting once every week/week and a half. For those technologically advanced, this will include my parents soon, I’ve added the RSS feed, so that way each time I post something, you will know without having to check the site everyday. If you miss me that much and want to check the site everyday, that’s your decision and I’ll support it 100%.

Please feel free to leave comments with the posts, or if you would like, you can send me an email directly to

One final thing, I have listed other blogs of friends also right now in Panama. Feel free to spend some time on their sites. Well, as long as it doesn’t take away too much time from mine.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Big D. Sitting here drinking a beer with Randy and Pappa. Did you know that you have a new cousin, Leo? Sounds like you are having a good time. Take care, Rai