That means I'm writing this not from the oppressive humidity of Panama, but from my parents house on a crisp fall day. While I'm not very good at the whole self reflection thing, I do know that my time in Panama was a wonderful experience. Like all things, there were ups and downs, but in the end, it will be something I will always look back on fondly.
My time in Panama was marked with great friendships both with fellow Americans and Panamanians, incredible support from the Peace Corps Panama staff and tremendous times with family and friends when they visited me. If somebody asked me if I would do the Peace Corps again, I think I would have to say no, just because this one was so enjoyable.
Now as I have said goodbye to Panama and start a new chapter in my life, lets take one more walk down memory lane:
My two favorite kids

The daily catch from the port in my community

Mud and Crocs

Kite day


My room

My cousin Ryan's visit

Herrera Baseball Game

11,339 feet

My Group - 62

Visit from my sisters

My parents in Panama

My World Map

Kuna Yala

Thanks for the memories, Panama.