Once I arrived at site, I quickly surmised that I wouldn’t be able to get a bike during my first three months living with Sergio and his family. There just wasn’t enough room for a bike. So I bided my time and walked around the community and down to the port. Sweating a lot along the way, too.
When I moved into my own place at the end of January, my anticipation rose once again. I reminded Sergio I was in the market for a bike and also spread the word to a couple other people. I would look around as well, but I told myself I needed to be patient. Days became weeks then months, and I was still without a bike. I was starting to give up my dream of the old ten speed road bike.
Then one day I was chatting with Sergio when he told me he saw a bike for sale in the next town up. We made loose plans (the only way to roll here in Panama) to go up there sometime over the next couple of days. A few days past and we finally were able to nail a time to go. As we walked up to the store, I saw four road bikes for sale. Having tempered my expectations going in, I immediately became giddy. Now it just came down to which one I would chose.
After looking them over, I fell head over heels for a semi beat up blue Schwin ten speed. Sure not all the gears worked, but that really doesn’t matter. With flat roads for miles, there isn’t a need to switch gears like I would need to in WV.
I strolled back into on my bike like a conquering hero. As I went by people they asked if the bike was mine. You betcha, amigo. Eventually everybody started to ask me the number one Panamanian question – How much does it cost? They love to ask this question about anything. I try to usually tap dance around it, but this time I turned it back on them. A trend soon developed, everybody guessed high. When I told them the actual price, almost everybody had the same reaction, “Jo! Barato” or “wow cheap”.
So with my bike in the fold, I have started to take rides on it to get some exercise. I tried to start running again, but right now it’s just too hot. The air flow from the bike makes for a much more comfortable exercising experience. On my first trip back up towards the next town, I was wearing my bike helmet. As you might imagine, that’s where the fun started. First, I passed a group a 20 something males hanging out. They really didn’t have much to say, mostly because they couldn’t contain their laughter at me. Next I rounded a corner and came upon a group of four. A woman saw me first and was so giddy she started to hit the guy that had his back to me so he could turn to see. That’s right - a gringo riding by with a bike helmet on. Christmas had come a little early this year.
I just took it all in stride thinking to myself – “Safety first. Safety first.” But, really, who am I kidding. I do ridiculous in the helmet. But at least I have my bike now.